May Greetings!
The flowers are weedy gardens blooming and so are the weeds! About a week ago I looked out my window to find that where once stood my winter garden – filled with chard, cauliflower and broccoli – now stood a dense thicket of tangled spring fresh weeds voraciously covering the remainder of my plants hidden deep within.
Yesterday, taking a break from my work, I walked past the garden and was taken over by a sudden and almost biological urge to weed. I squatted down in the earth, bare-handed, beaded flip flops covered by dirt, and started to systematically eliminate the weeds, trying to find and salvage any remnants of the thick green kale I had so carefully planted months ago.
That’s when it struck me. This is just what happens in relationship! We begin our time together carefully planting the seeds of love, respect and adoration. We tend to the plant as it grows, feeding it with our attention, truth and commitment. Over time, somewhat unbeknownst to us, weeds start growing, the weeds of criticism, irritation and neglect just to name a few. Before we know it we can’t even see that original plant that we cared for so deeply in the beginning.
After a while of weeding in my garden, once again, I could see the original plants I had placed there with care. Now there was space around them. Space for them to receive the warmth of the sun, I could almost see their leaves stretch a little further out in relief.
Room to grow.
As the season ripens towards summer, I am committing to ongoing weeding not only in my yard but also in the garden of my relationship.
Is your relationship getting overgrown? Is it time for some weeding?